As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Richard has to share Needles' chair
Monday morning and after breakfast we had devotions. Garry and  farmer Neil were a little late because he went with Garry to artificially inseminate a cow in the village. A lady had knocked on the door during breakfast to get her cow bred.

Bonnie carried over the morning snack to the guys, but I did not get there until we brought lunch over, as usual, so here are the photos I took then...
Lunch is ready! Soup sandwiches and ice tea ...and cookies

Everyone ate at once for the first time

It's someone's birthday....

Ready to pour the floor, and a wall is ready to go up too

Donna the hungry  guard dog 

Windows for the classroom

Licking the soup pot

They even poured cement before lunch today
Here's photos of how the work is progressing... One group has been making new "chimneys" for the barn ventilation - the old rotten ones were taken down the first day. Today they were nailed together and Garry bought blue and yellow paint to put on them (they will look like Ukrainian flags sticking out of the roof) and Bonnie and Maria (who came out to help today) painted them.

Adam was one of the guys nailing

Getting ready to paint

You can have fun while working too, right Caleb?
Two more loads of cement came after lunch, one for the parlor walls and the floor for the milk house/ classroom.
Getting ready to pour the cement walls today, putting the forms together
I made Chinese for dinner, rice and stir-fry, and since it was Chris' 21st birthday, I tried making a cake. I took one layer out too early so we ending up with trifle and cake for dessert.

Chris (the birthday boy) and his dad Jack

last piece of cake

Then some of the guys had to go back in the dark to trowel the cement to finish it. Garry had to bring them more gas, so I went along and took a few photos.

Victor found a power trowel to rent! "like an upside down helicopter"

Working in the dark

Young Neil hard at work with a headlamp troweling

Jack running the machine

It was too wet yet at ten pm...the guys were out there until 2 am.... and were all up by 6:30 to start Tuesday. Victor drove back to the city at 2 am with the machine so he could return it by nine am.

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