As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Limping through the weekend

I didn't mention in the last post that Garry was feeling sore on Saturday evening- his foot that is-- the one he poked a nail into through his shoe Friday morning pulling apart his cement forms. His first comment was- I thought these shoes had steel soles! Maybe just steel toes........

He soaked it in salt water after he did it and again in the evening and was limping but feeling OK on Saturday morning and walked all over with the village herd when we sent the ten heifers/cows out with them on the first day. Garry decided to send the heifers out because he thought it would be good to participate- the more cows/owners the less often people have to tend the herd.

He plans to hire a couple young guys from the village when it is our turn- it seems like two people stay out with the cows all day with an extra person or two to help chase them out of (at 7 am) and back into (just after 6 pm right now- but it will be 7 pm soon) the village. However there isn't much pasture to eat when its hot a dry in the summer so the milk cows stay home in the barn with lots of water, shade and food. Seth and Jonah hope to go home to Manitoba for the summer, after they finish their year of homeschooling (they have been busy this weekend chasing the heifers back in and helping feed the cows) this morning they did their chemistry midterm- (both getting B's) only eight more chapters to go!

So Saturday evening he goes to soak his very sore foot in salt water again and it is swollen and red on the top of his foot- not so good. Sunday he took it easy- even sat down during the singing at church, and soaked it alot, so it was looking better last night. Hardly limping today, so good news there... we were considering getting him some antibiotic pills at the aptenka (pharmacy) but looks like we won't need them.

Looks like we could get some rain this week 20% chance Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday and Thursday and on Friday the forecast has 90% chance ...of course we didn't get any Saturday when it was at 100%, so ...

And to bring a smile to your face... there are a number of goats in the village and they are often tied by the road at least the adult ones the little ones in this photo run around loose---this lady has the most goats in the village and sometimes chases them down the road to different places. They were on both sides of our street- Centralna near the church.

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