As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday monday

Well it still hasn't rained- in spite of that 100% chance of rain on Saturday (later in the day the forecast dropped it to 80%. The corn is all planted- here they are planting the other big field in the photo.Max had a few guys helping- the bags of fertilizer had gotten hard with the rain the day they came, so these two were pounding on them to break it up so it would go through the planter.

They even planted 3 gardens they got in corn, since there was leftover seed and planted a field for someone in the next village. Tuesday morning Maxim is driving it back where we borrowed it from, so right now they are turning around on the tractor for transporting it down the highway. It stays light out now until after 8 pm.

It would be great if it did rain now. Get the garden growing, new alfalfa growing, corn sprouting, and send Garry's rye field into and even thicker higher crop to cut next week for silage. It is past my knees and in some spots past Garry's but more would be better. The weather has turned warm- over 20 C (70's for Americans)- almost like we are heading right into summer.

Some of the heifers are getting the hang of turning into our driveway when coming back with the village herd, still requires a few people to get them out and in again- there were 12 with the dry cow- she's always the first one of ours back. I keep forgetting to take photos while chasing - even when I have the camera in my pocket!

This was a big holiday weekend May 1-Sunday morning the highway was busy when we drove to church. The Sunday after Easter is traditionally when Ukrainians remember their ancestors by bringing flowers to the cemetary. So there were police directing traffic to let people across the highway- there is a big cemetary off the highway as you go into Dnepropetroesk- we never knew it was there until last year the week after Easter- there were cars parked along there for a mile on both sides. There were cars at the village graveyard and people walking in from the highway and out from the village.

With it being May 1st many people were out for a picnic- I took this picture by one of the village ponds Sunday evening at 7:30.

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