As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sunday, Monday

Garry thought he'd go to church in the village, but before he got out the door, Leila was back to report that there was no church because of the quarantine. She also said she wasn't sick so why was she unable to go? Normally the church often has ten people or less, so Garry thought it would be fine.

We had a day of rest, Garry and I watched our son Matt's church service on facebook live in the evening (6:30 here). Time doesn't spring ahead until next week here. Garry now listens to a different sermon every morning when he gets up. Today it was Kent from our home church, Emmanuel.

I made lasagna last night for supper, Valentina ate with us (the other girls are often visiting their friends in the evening) and pronounced it farse torte (ground beef cake). She liked it, we had leftovers tonight.  I had bought the ingredients last week Saturday when I took the kids to Ashawn grocery store, before the quarantine. It's about the only place I can buy the noodles.

This morning I had English with the students before they started building with Garry and I started making pea soup. It was cold (4C) today and windy, the ground is still muddy from Saturday night, and Sunday morning's rain.

 Today they worked inside the house, finishing wiring, prepping the ceiling with a framework of boards until the rafters, insulating the walls and ceiling, and putting up the plastic ceiling and drywall.

Victor was out from the city today. (some of today's photos were his). This evening he went to Zaporosia with Garry to get a few things they need for tomorrow. Garry says that they are still taking your temperature as you enter Nova Lenya, but now you can't touch anything. You walk around a loop that's cordoned off and tell the employees what you want. they write it (number) on a paper, after you collect papers for all the ones you want, you go to the register and pay for it, and somehow it all comes outside the store where you pick it up. He said it took a lot longer to buy things this way.

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