As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tuesday Wednesday

It's actually nearly midnight and so almost Thursday now. I woke up a couple hours after going to bed. I got up to check the door since two of the girls were still out visiting their friends when we went to bed around nine. Sometimes they forget to lock it.

The heat is clicking, it makes a noise as the hot water  goes around the corner of this room. It will be nice when we can turn it off and save on the gas bill, but its been below freezing at night, and windy during the day.  Otherwise it's very quiet. The village has been quiet now for almost two weeks, and now the quarantine has been extended until April 24th. There are no buses or vans running to the cities. A lot of the people in the village wok at a greenhouse some distance away, that used to send a bus for them everyday, but now they can't get to work except by private cars, apparently there are people charging 400 grivna for rides to the city, according to Max.

The students are stuck in the village unless Garry or Max drives them out (which they haven'tour shopping t the mall is off, the mall is closed now). However, the stores in the village are well stocked with food. We have bought "pampers" at the building store for the two with babies. Apparently I bought the wrong ones, size 4 instead of 5 for Danil, and I didn't buy huggies for Matthew and now he has a rash. They only had bigger more expensive bags than they get at the grocery store, apparently, they had given us 200 grivna so I bought the ones that cost 240. Next time. Although with the new no touching rule...

Garry has not been back to the city since Monday night, Max went last night, and I think they actually didn't need anything today after work.

Tuesday morning we had English (only ten people allowed) and then I made chicken noodle soup with Valentina's help for the crew working. After lunch, whoever is milking walks over to the barn, so there is less help at the worksite for a couple hours, by three the ones who really like it are back, like Leila. Yesterday Valentina was milking, so I had no clean up without help after lunch. It would have been quiet, except Vika was off and she likes to watch annoying videos on her phone... like singing potatoes.

 Here's a few photos from Tuesday, when they finished insulation, drywalled some walls, did some electrical work and finished installing the ceiling. I took most of these at lunchtime. Victor went home Tuesday evening, after staff meeting.

Leila with the newest Muktar stuffed dog
(He's a German shepherd on TV, I'd like to find her one) 

Victor wearing the mask

Nikolai was one of the ceiling installers

Misha was up in the attic putting in insulation

Wednesday morning is usually cooking class and I divided up students by having the girls come cook and the guys work on the house. I had a small but busy group as we did not make soup today. It was gretscha (buckwheat) topped with farsh sauce (hamburger gravy) with a side of  kartoshka free (oven fries), bread with cheese spread and pickled beets. We also made brownies for dessert.

The guys got  very full. they had two ladles of gretscha and gravy, most of the girls had one and then I let them serve themselves seconds and Bear didn't get much in his bowl when they were done. They also got a scoop of fries which came out pretty good, the girls cut them Mc Donald's size.

The guys seem to have been goofing off and taking selfies in the morning while drywalling.

They did get lights working over there today. If you are wondering where the power is coming from, remember the line we ran next door when Scott and Shannon had to run electric heat last year? Now that they have gas, its going farther. Max is still promoted to new Jeremy.

They finished drywalling and installed doors "because they were in the way" after lunch. I brought them coffee, tea and cookies (including more brownies) around three. 

We  are very eco friendly, no disposable cups, bowls or plates this year. I got tired of washing sugar out of the little cups at first, but they are getting better at not using too much in their tea. 

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