As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday- big finish

 Today there were a number of things to finish, and most of them got done.

This morning Kolya was working on finishing the trench for the water line. Julia painted casings for doors, and Karina was helping Doug put it around the windows, while Garry and I were teaching.

Marcie was cleaning out the bottom cupboards trying to find the source of the corn millers flying around the house. She found a suspect bag of beans and we tossed it. Now it is very organized down there too.

In the cheeses making room
The three grads joined us for lunch, chicken noodle soup and broderbrot (open-faced sandwiches). Marcie walked down to get the bread while I finished getting the soup ready and sliced meat and cheese.

Garry told me there really was going to be a student picnic at our house (outside) at 5 pm. He had gone to the store with Maria and bought hot dogs and 15 loaves of bread and she would take care of everything. She sliced bread and peeled plastic off the hotdogs.

She asked me if it was normal for visitors to clean your house because Ukrainians would never do such a thing, it would be rude. I explained that Ev had cleaned to help before the team came and Carol and Marcie were also trying to help me while the team was here, that was one of the reasons they came. Yes, it is pretty normal for visitors who stay overnight to help out around the house, I guess.
Yesterday afternoon they put in these two windows-
the holes were a little small so they had to trim some tin.
Good thing it was not the new line, they were covering it up.
 In the afternoon the water was turned off to the house while they hooked the water line to the cheese plant. When I went to ask why I had no water later, Garry discovered that a pipe had popped apart and a couple of inched of water were in our cellar! However, eventually he found the problem and I could finish my laundry.
Painting and trim
Marcie is standing on the countertop to paint around the window.

Door casings

 After the work was done it was time to play. Doug and Marcie (and Garry) were still working when some of the students came for the picnic at 5 pm.

Soon there was a football (soccer) game going on in the yard and a fire roaring in the firepit.

They also tried out the boccie balls I bought at the JSYK store in Dnepro. Garry said they liked it.

They even made some seating

There was a Frisbee flying too

Don't let it hit Garry's car!

Why are they laughing?

Throw Valentina!

The birthday girl, Sergey's Karina (we sang after praying for the meal)

cooking some hotdogs over the fire
There's food!

Is that mayo?

Dance to the music! after eating

Artom arrives in his car

And Max in the van with some parts for the irrigation system

Heavy parts...

and not so heavy... Teresa, No photo!

cooking a couple for Max and Artom

Football has started again

and selfies

and Frisbee.. look out for the Zaporitretz! It works!

Max and Artom eat hotdogs too

Little Christina plays with Bear
After everyone had gone home, the four of played Jokers, three rounds of the game that they love to play, and I am learning. We are packing it in the suitcase for Egypt. Likely no blogposts for the next week, no free wifi at the hotel.

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