As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, March 25, 2016

A little rain, a little work, a little tour

Thursday morning it was wet. Garry woke up during the night and could hear the rain outside, so after breakfast they went down to the closer new reno (Garry is also without a car this week, so we have to share the Mercedes, so careful planning around everyone's activities is necessary) They decided to work inside and mark levels with the laser level, since Garry plans to pour cement there before the Steinbach team arrives in April. Micah was under the weather, so he stayed here and slept, we seem to have a cold going around the house this week.

The rain did clear up, leaving things wet and breezy, and rather cool outside. I can confirm this since I walked down to see them with Crystal, who stayed to help while I walked back with bread we bought at the store for lunch. Before coming back for lunch they were down at the addition to the girls house, working on the roofing, and the siding and windows for the front of the house, and checking how dry the cement was that they had poured the day before (they had been wanting to do it since waking up, but remember, no car to take a quick drive there, they returned home for dinner sitting in a wagon behind the tractor).

After lunch Garry was busy with his weekly one o'clock staff meeting for Hope for Each (Victor, who is the other director is always here on Thursday afternoon for milk) so Micah who was feeling better headed down to the house to see what they could get done before 2:30.
  Today (Friday), it's still wet, but they are back at work trying to finish up the outside of the house addition. They got  a ride down there with Max in the Mercedes before he left for Zaporosia, Garry really has to avoid walking as much as possible with his bad ankle. Crystal and Maria just walked down with coffee and cherry buns for them for a mid-morning snack.

At 2:30 everyone hurried to clean up and get ready for a little tour. Someone had called recently to get get Garry's opinion on a project they were planning to get a farm going near Zaporosia on an old dairy collective site. We met the two guys near Epi-Center, Maria was with us to translate. We followed them to the place, which has been heavily vandalized by people looking for free building materials.

 We did check out a worm growing concern they have going on the property. They sell two smallish worms in a cup of dirt to improve your garden, there was a lady picking worms from the straw and compost and packing little plastic cups into a box to sell. You can see some of the straw piles behind the scarecrow in the photo.

Garry told them it seemed like there was not much left to work with, so it would be expensive, in spite of the advantages of  repairing instead of building new (it would be good for not needing permits and there is electricity and water on site.) It started to rain as we were getting ready to leave,
 Garry drove back to Zap where we went out for dinner before going to our weekly Bible study. We even played a few hands of cards before going to bed.

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