As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The last wall comes down

Today I walked down to see how the work was progressing at the building reno site- after a detour to give Bear a treat and check out the location in the shop of four foam mattresses that came in the container since the door was unlocked- they are safely stored on top of the corn planter. With two teams coming, someone will be sleeping on them next month and I have been asking that they come here, so I can wash then up (they have plastic covers) and figure where they will go (for now the summer kitchen).

Yesterday we bought two twin size spring ones at the JYSK store, Victor will bring them out in the van. I need them next week when Garry's father and brother arrive, since all the ones here went to the new house, except for Victor's feather beds. We got a pile of fluffy new pillows too, so everyone will be happy, no flat pillows this year!

The babushka next door was out raking in front of her house. Max Boradin says she is in her eighties, by the way. One of her chickens was in our front yard scratching in the dirt, as usual.

When I arrived at the house, the guys were preparing to put up the second beam, and the girls were cleaning up bricks and shoveling debris out the windows.

Ras-dra-tree- opah!  everybody lift!

Getting the posts under correctly

Sasha may need new work pants...

almost finished...

The brick debris piles are high as the windows now in the back

 Before I left they started to knock down that last supporting wall. I heard Nikolai, who had been digging in the hole before the beam raising, tell Garry that sometimes when the girls were throwing out bricks they were sliding into the hole for the septic system he was digging, because the piles are so high now.

When I was walking home I saw the babushka was still hard at work next door, and had set one of her leaf piles on fire. In case you are wondering, she was dressed for warmth, two skirts, with track pants under and a couple of sweaters and her scarf, today's was yellow. It was about 10 C (50 F?).

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