As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter Sunday

After little sleep (see the previous post) we were off for church with Nastya just after nine on Easter Sunday. The other two girls (students) said they would like to come, but they were scheduled to work this week.
 Garry ate some paska bread before we left, he said the nice neighbor lady by the new house gave it to him that morning while he was working. I asked, and it was not the babushka watching him in yesterday's photos that wanted the metal, but the one across the side street. It was his first chance to do the Christos vos Chris (Christ is risen) and reply Easter morning. Max Boradin was sitting opposite him at the kitchen table; peeling eggs and eating a small paska bread someone had given him already that morning.

Unlike previous Easter Sundays here, I have no photos of people with Easter baskets so you'll have to look at previous years' posts if you want those photos. Instead I took photos at our church service. Garry decided to nap in the car when we arrived (two hours of sleep wasn't working so well for him), so Nastya and I went inside for the praise singing, which she really likes.
Decorated for Easter
There had been an early service on the side of the river downtown with the other church earlier, which may be why they weren't ready to start at ten as usual. They were waiting on the computer for the projection, the pastor told me. When it arrived he had to fix something, the picture was upside down! It was 10:30 by the time he had done the opening and the praise band started singing.

I went out and woke Garry up at eleven, he was still sleeping soundly in the reclined drivers seat, after his busy night with the cement. We had a few special additions to the service, after the sermon.

Baby Mikhail was in church for the first time, I think he is about two months old, and he was dedicated. Louis was inspired to come up and sing for him, too.

The Sunday school children performed a song for Easter. They had ribbons and lots of hand motions.

Morningstar used to be called the International church, and it seemed very international when we had a song sung in Portuguese from some of the African medical students who attend our church. They sounded wonderful, and introduced it in Russian, which they learn for classes.

Smile! on the way to the picnic

Lots of picnics going on in the trees by the apartments
After church we were going to the picnic at 2 pm at someone's house in the suburbs on our way home. It's the first time we had gone to the church Easter picnic.
We gave a family a ride, so Nastya ended up in the back of the van. They have 3 little boys and a little girl.

the trampoline was a hit, no injuries either

Nastya on the blanket
Garry and I napped for the first hour on a blanket on the grass (real lawn, they have a amazing yard.) Around three everything was ready I woke up during the prayer. Nastya kept bringing me food, including shishlik (BBQ pork) when it was ready.
Garry and I with Misha

The picnic was still going strong when we left around 4:30.

no sleep- it was worth it
We should be rested and ready for the BC team when they arrive Monday evening, the cement will be ready anyway, we looked at it on the way home. Not bad looking. We even stayed up until nine, Garry got some paperwork done.

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