As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, April 15, 2016


Sorry to tell you I have no photos of yesterday's guys afternoon out with the trip to the sauna, but I believe they all had a good time there, plus they bought some souvenirs, saw some sights and went out for Ukrainian food at Puzata Hata. I had a good time at home, and got some stuff done and relaxed a bit, too, with no supper to cook and serving leftovers for lunchtime.

The guys were ready for a full day after omelets and oatmeal for breakfast. We have run out of yogurt, so none this morning, I have discovered some of my boxes of "oatmeal" I bought are rolled wheat instead.
Today was more normal, although they ran out of some supplies and so Garry and Eugene went to the Nova Leni this evening after supper. They were home shortly after eight pm to have some chocolate cake and coffee. and get in on the card games, after a couple rounds of Rook, before Garry got back, they tried Big Boss Little Boss, confusing since there were different rules than I learned last time. I played the last couple hands since some guys were heading to bed.

Here are a few pictures of today...
Today I help carrying coffeetime down the street
 It was a little muddy with some lightning and thunder and rain overnight. Only a few sprinkles after some drops early in the morning, but a brisk wind was blowing all day.

A busy place when we arrived with the coffee and cookies

Wes nailing the beam, Doug took over afterwards
 I was told it is important to not talk while nailing or you will eat dust. Apparently Doug found this out and is talking less...
Peter and Wilbert working on more walls

Everyone likes coffee and cookies

The work progresses, Garry is  running electric lines

Yes, that's me dishing out  chicken soup at lunch time, today's side was pizza sandwiches or pizza bread. Thanks to Eugene for taking this photo. Looking forward to my helpers arriving from Canada on Sunday afternoon, Garry has been sending three of the girls everyday to help carry lunch.

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